Dig Here!

I don't know if ol' Cliff was a witch, a "diviner", or just plain lucky, but what he did down yonder that afternoon on the campus of East Central University spooked me plenty. I was a kid, barely eighteen, working my way through college with a summer job on the school maintenance crew, and already had more on my plate of a natural sort than I could understand. I didn't need anything supernatural cluttering up thought processes still in the early stages of development, but," it was", as they say," what it was", or was it? You tell me. Out of all the people on The ECU campus Cliff was by far and away the least "educated", even less than me. I had at least graduated from high school. Cliff? I'm pretty sure he never got much past the eighth grade, if that far, yet he knew things that nobody else on campus knew, even the maintenance crew boss, a scrawny...