All a Fisherman Needs is a Good Pair of Pliers

I am not a “techy.” I’m not even sure I can spell the word right. I can’t even operate my cellphone. People ask me all the time why I don’t “do” Facebook. Jeeminy Christmas. Why don’t pigs fly? The most embarrassing thing about it, and the only thing about it that embarrasses me, is that my father obtained one of the first Master’s degrees in Computer Science, and used that degree to run a plant that made space shuttles fly. One of my brothers programs computers for the federal government. The other two brothers have fingers that “fly” over computer keyboards causing them to make lots of money. I can’t turn one on half the time. If you’re still thinking about the parenthetical phrase in the middle of sentence seven of this piece, I will tell you that I also don’t think it’s possible to embarrass a redneck. They don’t walk around thinking about the possibility of being embarrassed, about anything. They’re too busy doing things with their hands. Give me a hammer, a saw, a...