The Bigger Ones Will Eat You

In Hemingway's Old Man and The Sea, his fisherman/protagonist uses a handline to bring in the marlin he hopes will secure his life's fortune. It was the way I fished the first several years of my fishing life, buying my "tackle" at a general store, and finding my bait in the backyard in the ground, under logs, and under rocks. It was the easiest method of fishing, short of dynamite and electricity, because it worked. No rod, no reel, just a length of small diameter, green cord wrapped around a red square of wood, and a size eight or ten hook attached. The ones I bought at Bailey's Store in Charlestown, Maryland, cost twenty-five cents. At seven I couldn't afford them, but my mother and father could, and, for no apparent reason, kept me supplied. I sometimes went through one a week. I was hard on them, but they were good to me. Lordy, lordy: the fish, the fish. Mom cooked them all. You wonder did it serve any purpose. Who knows. Here I am 62 years...