Sleeps with Wolves
My dogs sleep outside with the wolves. They curl up tightly in draft-proof doghouses stuffed with hay, and sleep with one eye open (because of the wolves) until things warm up, which they always do. I learned years ago to make it easy on myself at feed/watering time everyday by filling the water buckets only half-full, as it necessitated me breaking out less ice the following day when the chore was repeated. Better to lift only five pounds rather than ten. I feed my dogs a good, balanced, commercial dogfood; one with a high protein count (not cheap), and pour the water to them. I have only three dogs at present: a lab, a German Shepherd, and a Chesapeake mix, who's probably smarter than the other two, and I know twice as mean. One of the three really sleeps outside with the wolves. Heidi, the shepherd, refuses to sleep in her house unless it is raining. I think it's probably too hot in there for her. What, a week ago, when it got down below zero, and the pipes froze in...