Turkeys and Guns
I may have bought the last gun I am ever going to buy, I'm not sure. I mean, I'm 86 years old, right? There has to be a "Last Gun" in my life, right? The cheap part of me (small) is trying to guess when that time is nigh that I will buy a gun and die before I have time to "powder" it up. It's important. Why leave a bunch of quality tools lying around that my heirs get to use, and I don't? Selfish? Sure, call the cops. Cheap people could never be drug addicts, but they might buy guns. I'm guessing, no experience here, that no crack or heroin addict ever plunked down the Big Green and worried if they would live to use up all of the product. It would seem that gun buying is a mania that filters more through the brain than it does the liver. I have two guns, both rifles, that belonged to two different Great Grandfathers in my family. That would be Grandpa Schaeffer (Augustus) and Grandpa Vollertsen (Fritz). Both guns are well over a hundred years o...