If Size Matters, Use A Dollar Bill
Hunters and fishermen are at least as interesting as the things for which they hunt and fish. Here's one way: Size matters to nearly the whole lot of them, and in a myriad of ways. In that grouping, I should be considered no different than any of the rest. Were people not interested in who caught the biggest string of fish, bass tournaments never would have been. Want to know the best bullet size for deer hunting? Ask me 'n “Joe.” I guarantee you I'll say one thing, and Joe will say another, and on and on it goes. For years I carried in my truck a set of postal scales I picked up at a flea market. I used them to measure the body weights of game birds, particularly quail, but also pheasants and prairie chickens. I still carry in my truck a spring scale and a steel tape to measure the weight of turkey gobblers (hens, too, in season), as well as spur lengths. I haven't held a quail in my hand to weigh (let alone eat) for years, would that I could. Show me a quail t...