Dove Season Already?
I am training yet another dog. At my age. I’m talking about the new German Shepherd pup. Things are coming along “famously”, as they used to say. House trained, pretty much. Heel, in the works. Comes when called, usually. Beginning to sit on command. Not even Pam does that. Kennels, when you throw a treat in there for her. Pam will do that. She likes to fight copperheads, the dog I mean, and has been bitten twice for that, a punishment of its own sort, and I, personally, find it hard to discipline a dog with too much spirit. Pam fights them with brooms. I pretty much leave her alone as well. I’m working on her not wandering from the yard. The dog, I mean. That habit will eventually get her in trouble. All kinds. Most females are not too bad about “wandering”; males are, and get in trouble for it all the time. Ask Roger Bowman about Leo some time, a lab I gave him years ago that established quite a reputation for himself “on the road” without a guitar. The dog, I mean. Anyway, I c...