Gone Fishin'...for Deer
It was noon, high noon, and Eddie Bostic of Sand Springs and Brian Johnson of Tulsa and I were fishing for sand bass in the back of a remote cove on the Arkansas River arm of Lake Keystone. Catching them, too, but slow and small. That started me fishing for Pam’s ham and cheese sandwich in my duffel. Where is it, where is it? It’s in here someplace. Ah, here it is; all zip-locked with chips and pear to boot. Good girl. Worth money, but not for sale. That first bite of sandwich directed my gaze upwards where automatically I began scanning a rock-ribbed bank with a nice six-point buck picking its way carefully, but quickly, down towards the water’s edge right in front of us maybe forty yards away from where we sat in Eddie’s boat, him working the trolling motor. “Look,” I said, mouthful of ham and cheese, “a buck. Right here at high noon. Jeeminy Christmas. I guarantee you the rut just started today. Right now, even. I have yet to see even the first bloody spot on the highway.” Tha...